It began with a still, small voice in the heart.
Our Story
It began with a still, small voice in the heart of Rev. JD Ross. It was a voice that this veteran Pioneer Pastor had heard before. Rev. Ross was used by GOD to start many churches. GOD was speaking again and birthing the VISION to start a church in Tyler, Texas. After much prayer, Rev. Ross approached the Tyler Section of the North Texas District of the Assemblies of GOD and shared his God-given Vision. With overwhelming approval, GRACE CHAPEL was launched on July 4, 1965, in the former Southside Assembly building located in the 1400 block of South Kennedy Street in Tyler, Texas.
Rev. Ross was joined by family members as the church began. Daughter and Son-in-Law, Rev. Tom & Dru Maddux joined Rev. Ross as Co-Pastors. With passion and hard work, the congregation began to grow.
In 1966, 30 members voted to build a new sanctuary to accomodate existing and future growth. With the first phase of growth and building completed, Rev. & Mrs. Maddux accepted the pastorate of a church in Mineola, Texas. Rev. Ross continued to serve and lead Grace Chapel.
Rev. Ross heard that still, small voice again. He now experienced the lifting of the burden to serve as Pastor. The church asked Rev. Tom & Dru Maddux to return to serve as Pastors of the church. Rev. & Mrs. Maddux accepted the call to serve as Senior Pastors in November of 1970. Upon their return, the church continued to experience growth and soon filled to capacity.
The church purchased 14.916 acres (present location) for future growth. This purchase was made possible through the work of Vergie Rannals. A local realtor and member of the church, Mrs. Rannals helped secure the property as soon as it became available. Because of her expertise, Grace Chapel was able to be strategically positioned for growth in the expanding southern corridor of Tyler.
Work began on the Family Life Center (FLC). With countless man-hours and sacrificial giving, the FLC was completed with minimal debt.
Grace Chapel began worship services in the FLC. As the church continued to grow, the plans began to unfold for a new Sanctuary. In the Mid-80’s with continued growth, a New Sanctuary was started. With sacrificial-giving and volunteer labor, the church was able to be built debt-free. The new Sanctuary was completed in December of 1986 and dedicated to the Glory of GOD in April of 1987. After serving the congregation for many years, Rev. & Mrs. Maddux retired as Pastors in August of 2000. In Honor of the leadership and ministry of Rev & Mrs. Maddux, the church paid off the remaining debt of the FLC. This was a fulfillment of the dream of Rev. Maddux to leave the church debt-free. TO GOD BE THE GLORY ! ! !
Since that time the mantle has fallen on different pastors who have accepted the call to continue the legacy. Since August of 2000 until April of 2009, Rev. Kalyn Brassfield, Rev. Marty Thomas and Rev. Lee Sheldt have each brought their own Ministry gifts and callings to GRACE CHAPEL.
IN September of 2009, the church invited Rev. Michael & Cathy Davis to serve the church as Interim Pastors
It soon became apparent that Rev. Davis embraced the legacy of the founding pastors and that GOD had HIS hand upon the leadership of Pastor Mike & Cathy. In acknowledgement, Grace Chapel selected Mike & Cathy to serve as Pastors with a landslide vote on November 1, 2009. Under their proven leadership, Grace Chapel has continued to touch and impact countless lives who have personally Experienced GRACE ! !
As GOD has continued to refine the Ministry and Mission of the church it became apparent some changes were necessary to more effectively reach the surrounding community and their specific needs. Accordingly, a substantial remodel began that has transformed the church in preparation for an even brighter future. As part of the Transformation the Church voted unanimously to rename the church: Redeeming Grace Fellowship