We believe in the intrinsic value of Family Worship with our Sunday Kidz Klub beginninng with Family Worship in the Sanctuary. At the conclusion of Prayer, with the exception of Special Family Days, Kidz Klub is dismissed to their class for age appropriate teaching.
*Wednesday Discipleship begins in the Kidz Klub room.
(grades 1-6)
Sunday 10:00 AM & Wednesday 6:30PM
Kidz Klub meets in the FLC for a Time of WORSHIP (kidz style) followed by an Impactful Bible Lesson with the use of object lessons, life application stories and more. Bible reading and memorization are a major focus for all of our kidz classes. Kidz are encouraged to bring their own bible and are given the opportunity to learn how to use it. Regularly our Kidz become part of "big church" where they are given the opportunity to use their specific gifting in the service and learn to worship together with family. Additionally, our kidz prepare special seasonal programs (Christmas, Easter, others) as they learn the value of ministry and anointing!